We have an abundance of palm trees here at The Renaissance providing cool, natural shade for our property, especially the beach and pool areas. They are the iconic symbol of tropical climes and one of the focal points of our lush tropical landscape.
There is something very peaceful about sitting under a palm tree, listening to the sound of the sea and gently swaying palms. Hearing the waves gently kiss the shore. Letting that cool sand slip between your toes. It works its magic every time! Now, if you are sipping on coconut water, well that’s pure bliss!
Coconut palms are everywhere, and coconut water is an excellent way to hydrate, especially after a work out or while hanging out at the beach or pool. It is a good source of several nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and manganese. And coconut water is also a natural diuretic. So, it’s delicious and nutritious – what a bonus!
The young coconuts, which are fruit and not nuts, have a lot of coconut water in them. If you shake the coconut you can hear it inside. As the coconut ages some of the water turns to jelly and then to meat. More water indicates a younger coconut and less or no water indicates an older coconut. The meat that is used for grated coconut is from an older coconut, when the meat is very firm.
Some people like their coconut water straight from the coconut. Cut off the top and pop in a straw and you’re good to go. Or you might prefer your water chilled. Either way, it is refreshing!
One word of caution though. Coconut water stains, badly, and it is permanent so do be careful so as not to ruin that lovely new swimsuit or favourite t-shirt.
Kenroy, who keeps our beach pool and BBQ area looking neat and clean, is also skilled at selecting the right coconuts for their delicious and nutritious water and for the coconut jelly or meat. He has really enjoyed introducing many of our owners and guests to this refreshing drink. You will find him out in the beach area most days and you can always ask if there are any good coconuts for either the “meat” or coconut water. It is a real treat that many owners and guests look forward to on each return visit.